1.6.1-pl * added error throwing to the modx's error console * return false if the valid RSS sources return empty. 1.6-pl * upgraded to SimplePie 1.3 * deleted all favicon handlers due to this upgrading 1.5-pl * fixed the bug on the params cleaner * added &debug param * added &toArray param * added &emptyMessage as a custom empty message 1.4-pl * fixed the config access to the class when the snippet is called more than once * added &toPlaceholder to pass the result to the specified placeholder 1.3-pl * fixed the sorting bug caused by the same values of the sorting key 1.2-pl * fixed the multiple feeds * added new placeholders: itemImageThumbnailUrl, itemImageWidth, itemImageHeight * fixed the getItemStart and getItemLength parameters 1.1-pl * fixed the html decoding on the category 1.1-rc1 * Added the filter for MODx tags to replace them with HTML ASCII 1.0.0-pl * Switch the snippet's path as the MODX_CORE_PATH to fit the out-of-web-root core folder. Fixed issues * [#1] default tplPath is set to D:\localhost\modx-revo-spiefeed/core/components/spiefeed/elements/chunks/