Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : palandch ( 1163) PHP Version : 7.1.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /home/palandch/public_html/manager/assets/modext/widgets/core/ |
Ext.namespace('MODx.panel'); MODx.Panel = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ cls: 'modx-panel' ,title: '' });,config); this.config = config; }; Ext.extend(MODx.Panel,Ext.Panel); Ext.reg('modx-panel',MODx.Panel); MODx.FormPanel = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ autoHeight: true ,collapsible: true ,bodyStyle: '' ,layout: 'anchor' ,border: false ,header: false ,method: 'POST' ,cls: 'modx-form' ,ddGroup: 'modx-treedrop-dd' ,allowDrop: true ,errorReader: MODx.util.JSONReader ,checkDirty: true ,useLoadingMask: false ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true, border: false } }); if (config.items) { this.addChangeEvent(config.items); },config); this.config = config; this.addEvents({ setup: true ,fieldChange: true ,ready: true ,beforeSubmit: true ,success: true ,failure: true ,save: true ,actionNew: true ,actionContinue: true ,actionClose: true ,postReady: true }); this.getForm().addEvents({ success: true ,failure: true }); this.dropTargets = []; this.on('ready',this.onReady); if (this.config.useLoadingMask) { this.mask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.getEl());; } if (this.fireEvent('setup',config)) { this.clearDirty(); } this.focusFirstField(); }; Ext.extend(MODx.FormPanel,Ext.FormPanel,{ isReady: false ,defaultValues: [] ,initialized: false ,submit: function(o) { var fm = this.getForm(); if (fm.isValid() || o.bypassValidCheck) { o = o || {}; o.headers = { 'Powered-By': 'MODx' ,'modAuth': MODx.siteId }; if (this.fireEvent('beforeSubmit',{ form: fm ,options: o ,config: this.config })) { fm.submit({ waitMsg: this.config.saveMsg || _('saving') ,scope: this ,headers: o.headers ,clientValidation: (o.bypassValidCheck ? false : true) ,failure: function(f,a) { if (this.fireEvent('failure',{ form: f ,result: a.result ,options: o ,config: this.config })) { MODx.form.Handler.errorExt(a.result,f); } } ,success: function(f,a) { if (this.config.success) { Ext.callback(this.config.success,this.config.scope || this,[f,a]); } this.fireEvent('success',{ form:f ,result:a.result ,options:o ,config:this.config }); this.clearDirty(); this.fireEvent('setup',this.config); } }); } } else { return false; } return true; } ,focusFirstField: function() { if (this.getForm().items.getCount() > 0) { var fld = this.findFirstTextField(); if (fld) { fld.focus(false,200); } } } ,findFirstTextField: function(i) { i = i || 0; var fld = this.getForm().items.itemAt(i); if (!fld) return false; if (fld.isXType('combo') || fld.isXType('checkbox') || fld.isXType('radio') || fld.isXType('displayfield') || fld.isXType('statictextfield') || fld.isXType('hidden')) { i = i+1; fld = this.findFirstTextField(i); } return fld; } ,addChangeEvent: function(items) { if (!items) { return false; } if (typeof(items) == 'object' && items.items) { items = items.items; } for (var f=0;f<items.length;f++) { var cmp = items[f]; if (cmp.items) { this.addChangeEvent(cmp.items); } else if (cmp.xtype) { if (!cmp.listeners) { cmp.listeners = {}; } var ctypes = ['change']; cmp.enableKeyEvents = true; switch (cmp.xtype) { case 'numberfield': case 'textfield': case 'textarea': ctypes = ['keydown', 'change']; break; case 'checkbox': case 'xcheckbox': case 'radio': ctypes = ['check']; break; } if (cmp.xtype && cmp.xtype.indexOf('modx-combo') == 0) { ctypes = ['select']; } var that = this; Ext.iterate(ctypes, function(ctype) { if (cmp.listeners[ctype] && cmp.listeners[ctype].fn) { cmp.listeners[ctype] = {fn:that.fieldChangeEvent.createSequence(cmp.listeners[ctype].fn,cmp.listeners[ctype].scope),scope:that} } else { cmp.listeners[ctype] = {fn:that.fieldChangeEvent,scope:that}; } }); } } } ,fieldChangeEvent: function(fld,nv,ov,f) { if (!this.isReady) { return false; } var f = this.config.onDirtyForm ? Ext.getCmp(this.config.onDirtyForm) : this.getForm(); this.fireEvent('fieldChange',{ field: fld ,nv: nv ,ov: ov ,form: f }); } ,markDirty: function() { this.fireEvent('fieldChange'); } ,isDirty: function() { var f = this.config.onDirtyForm ? Ext.getCmp(this.config.onDirtyForm) : this.getForm(); return f.isDirty(); } ,clearDirty: function() { var f = this.config.onDirtyForm ? Ext.getCmp(this.config.onDirtyForm) : this.getForm(); return f.clearDirty(); } ,onReady: function(r) { this.isReady = true; if (this.config.allowDrop) { this.loadDropZones(); } if (this.config.useLoadingMask && this.mask) { this.mask.hide(); } this.fireEvent('postReady'); } ,loadDropZones: function() { var dropTargets = this.dropTargets; var flds = this.getForm().items; flds.each(function(fld) { if (fld.isFormField && ( fld.isXType('textfield') || fld.isXType('textarea') ) && !fld.isXType('combo')) { var el = fld.getEl(); if (el) { var target = new MODx.load({ xtype: 'modx-treedrop' ,target: fld ,targetEl: el.dom }); dropTargets.push(target); } } }); } ,getField: function(f) { var fld = false; if (typeof f == 'string') { fld = this.getForm().findField(f); if (!fld) { fld = Ext.getCmp(f); } } return fld; } ,hideField: function(flds) { if (!Ext.isArray(flds)) { flds = flds[flds]; } var f; for (var i=0;i<flds.length;i++) { f = this.getField(flds[i]); if (!f) return; f.hide(); var d = f.getEl().up('.x-form-item'); if (d) { d.setDisplayed(false); } } } ,showField: function(flds) { if (!Ext.isArray(flds)) { flds = flds[flds]; } var f; for (var i=0;i<flds.length;i++) { f = this.getField(flds[i]); if (!f) return; f.enable();; var d = f.getEl().up('.x-form-item'); if (d) { d.setDisplayed(true); } } } ,setLabel: function(flds,vals,bp){ if (!Ext.isArray(flds)) { flds = flds[flds]; } if (!Ext.isArray(vals)) { vals = valss[vals]; } var f,v; for (var i=0;i<flds.length;i++) { f = this.getField(flds[i]); if (!f) return; v = String.format('{0}',vals[i]); if ((f.xtype == 'checkbox' || f.xtype == 'xcheckbox' || f.xtype == 'radio') && flds[i] == 'published') { f.setBoxLabel(v); } else if (f.label) { f.label.update(v); } } } ,destroy: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.dropTargets.length; i++) { this.dropTargets[i].destroy(); }; } }); Ext.reg('modx-formpanel',MODx.FormPanel); MODx.panel.Wizard = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ layout: 'card' ,activeItem: 0 ,resizable: true ,collapsible: true ,maximizable: true ,autoHeight: true ,width: 750 ,firstPanel: '' ,lastPanel: '' ,defaults: { border: false } ,modal: true ,txtFinish: _('finish') ,txtNext: _('next') ,txtBack: _('back') ,bbar: [{ id: 'pi-btn-bck' ,itemId: 'btn-back' ,text: config.txtBack || _('back') ,handler: this.navHandler.createDelegate(this,[-1]) ,scope: this ,disabled: true },{ id: 'pi-btn-fwd' ,itemId: 'btn-fwd' ,text: config.txtNext || _('next') ,handler: this.navHandler.createDelegate(this,[1]) ,scope: this }] });,config); this.config = config; this.lastActiveItem = this.config.firstPanel; this._go(); }; Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Wizard,Ext.Panel,{ windows: {} ,_go: function() { this.getBottomToolbar().items.item(1).setText(this.config.txtNext); this.proceed(this.config.firstPanel); } ,navHandler: function(dir) { this.doLayout(); var a = this.getLayout().activeItem; if (dir == -1) { this.proceed(a.config.back ||; } else { a.submit({ scope: this ,proceed: this.proceed }); } } ,proceed: function(id) { this.doLayout(); this.getLayout().setActiveItem(id); if (id == this.config.firstPanel) { this.getBottomToolbar().items.item(0).setDisabled(true); this.getBottomToolbar().items.item(1).setText(this.config.txtNext); } else if (id == this.config.lastPanel) { this.getBottomToolbar().items.item(1).setText(this.config.txtFinish); } else { this.getBottomToolbar().items.item(0).setDisabled(false); this.getBottomToolbar().items.item(1).setText(this.config.txtNext); } } }); Ext.reg('modx-panel-wizard',MODx.panel.Wizard); MODx.panel.WizardPanel = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ wizard: null ,checkDirty: false ,bodyStyle: 'padding: 3em 3em' ,hideMode: 'offsets' });,config); }; Ext.extend(MODx.panel.WizardPanel,MODx.FormPanel); Ext.reg('modx-wizard-panel',MODx.panel.WizardPanel); MODx.PanelSpacer = { html: '<br />' ,border: false }; /** * A template panel base class * * @class MODx.TemplatePanel * @extends Ext.Panel * @param {Object} config An object of options. * @xtype modx-template-panel */ MODx.TemplatePanel = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ frame:false ,startingMarkup: '<tpl for=".">' +'<div class="empty-text-wrapper"><p>{text}</p></div>' +'</tpl>' ,startingText: 'Loading...' ,markup: null ,plain:true ,border: false });,config); this.on('render', this.init, this); } Ext.extend(MODx.TemplatePanel,Ext.Panel,{ init: function(){ this.defaultMarkup = new Ext.XTemplate(this.startingMarkup, { compiled: true }); this.reset(); this.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(this.markup, { compiled: true }); } ,reset: function(){ this.body.hide(); this.defaultMarkup.overwrite(this.body, {text: this.startingText}); this.body.slideIn('r', {stopFx:true, duration:.2}); setTimeout(function(){ Ext.getCmp('modx-content').doLayout(); }, 500); } ,updateDetail: function(data) { this.body.hide(); this.tpl.overwrite(this.body, data); this.body.slideIn('r', {stopFx:true, duration:.2}); setTimeout(function(){ Ext.getCmp('modx-content').doLayout(); }, 500); } }); Ext.reg('modx-template-panel',MODx.TemplatePanel); /** * A breacrumb builder + the panel desc if necessary * * @class MODx.BreadcrumbsPanel * @extends Ext.Panel * @param {Object} config An object of options. * @xtype modx-breadcrumbs-panel */ MODx.BreadcrumbsPanel = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ frame:false ,plain:true ,border: false ,desc: 'This the description part of this panel' ,bdMarkup: '<tpl if="typeof(trail) != "undefined"">' +'<div class="crumb_wrapper"><ul class="crumbs">' +'<tpl for="trail">' +'<li{[values.className != undefined ? \' class="\'+values.className+\'"\' : \'\' ]}>' +'<tpl if="typeof pnl != \'undefined\'">' +'<button type="button" class="controlBtn {pnl}{[values.root ? \' root\' : \'\' ]}">{text}</button>' +'</tpl>' +'<tpl if="typeof pnl == \'undefined\'"><span class="text{[values.root ? \' root\' : \'\' ]}">{text}</span></tpl>' +'</li>' +'</tpl>' +'</ul></div>' +'</tpl>' +'<tpl if="typeof(text) != "undefined"">' +'<div class="panel-desc{[values.className != undefined ? \' \'+values.className+\'"\' : \'\' ]}"><p>{text}</p></div>' +'</tpl>' ,root : { text : 'Home' ,className: 'first' ,root: true ,pnl: '' } ,bodyCssClass: 'breadcrumbs' });,config); this.on('render', this.init, this); } Ext.extend(MODx.BreadcrumbsPanel,Ext.Panel,{ init: function(){ this.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(this.bdMarkup, { compiled: true }); this.reset(this.desc); this.body.on('click', this.onClick, this); } ,getResetText: function(srcInstance){ if(typeof(srcInstance) != 'object' || srcInstance == null){ return srcInstance; } var newInstance = srcInstance.constructor(); for(var i in srcInstance){ newInstance[i] = this.getResetText(srcInstance[i]); } //The trail is not a link if(newInstance.hasOwnProperty('pnl')){ delete newInstance['pnl']; } return newInstance; } ,updateDetail: function(data){ // Automagically the trail root if(data.hasOwnProperty('trail')){ var trail = data.trail; trail.unshift(this.root); } this._updatePanel(data); } ,reset: function(msg){ if(typeof(this.resetText) == "undefined"){ this.resetText = this.getResetText(this.root); } var data = { text : msg ,trail : [this.resetText] }; this._updatePanel(data); } ,onClick: function(e){ var target = e.getTarget(); elm = target.className.split(' ')[0]; if(elm != "" && elm == 'controlBtn'){ // Don't use "pnl" shorthand, it make the breadcrumb fail var panel = target.className.split(' ')[1]; Ext.getCmp(panel).activate(); } } ,_updatePanel: function(data){ this.body.hide(); this.tpl.overwrite(this.body, data); this.body.slideIn('r', {stopFx:true, duration:.2}); setTimeout(function(){ Ext.getCmp('modx-content').doLayout(); }, 500); } }); Ext.reg('modx-breadcrumbs-panel',MODx.BreadcrumbsPanel);