Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : palandch ( 1163) PHP Version : 7.1.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /home/palandch/Cloudflare-CPanel-7.0.1/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/ |
<?php /* * This file is part of PHPUnit. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /** * Wrapper for the PHPUnit XML configuration file. * * Example XML configuration file: * <code> * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> * * <phpunit backupGlobals="true" * backupStaticAttributes="false" * bootstrap="/path/to/bootstrap.php" * cacheTokens="false" * columns="80" * colors="false" * stderr="false" * convertErrorsToExceptions="true" * convertNoticesToExceptions="true" * convertWarningsToExceptions="true" * forceCoversAnnotation="false" * mapTestClassNameToCoveredClassName="false" * printerClass="PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter" * processIsolation="false" * stopOnError="false" * stopOnFailure="false" * stopOnIncomplete="false" * stopOnRisky="false" * stopOnSkipped="false" * testSuiteLoaderClass="PHPUnit_Runner_StandardTestSuiteLoader" * timeoutForSmallTests="1" * timeoutForMediumTests="10" * timeoutForLargeTests="60" * beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything="false" * beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests="false" * beStrictAboutTestSize="false" * beStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests="false" * checkForUnintentionallyCoveredCode="false" * disallowChangesToGlobalState="false" * verbose="false"> * <testsuites> * <testsuite name="My Test Suite"> * <directory suffix="Test.php" phpVersion="5.3.0" phpVersionOperator=">=">/path/to/files</directory> * <file phpVersion="5.3.0" phpVersionOperator=">=">/path/to/MyTest.php</file> * <exclude>/path/to/files/exclude</exclude> * </testsuite> * </testsuites> * * <groups> * <include> * <group>name</group> * </include> * <exclude> * <group>name</group> * </exclude> * </groups> * * <filter> * <blacklist> * <directory suffix=".php">/path/to/files</directory> * <file>/path/to/file</file> * <exclude> * <directory suffix=".php">/path/to/files</directory> * <file>/path/to/file</file> * </exclude> * </blacklist> * <whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true" * processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="false"> * <directory suffix=".php">/path/to/files</directory> * <file>/path/to/file</file> * <exclude> * <directory suffix=".php">/path/to/files</directory> * <file>/path/to/file</file> * </exclude> * </whitelist> * </filter> * * <listeners> * <listener class="MyListener" file="/optional/path/to/MyListener.php"> * <arguments> * <array> * <element key="0"> * <string>Sebastian</string> * </element> * </array> * <integer>22</integer> * <string>April</string> * <double>19.78</double> * <null/> * <object class="stdClass"/> * <file>MyRelativeFile.php</file> * <directory>MyRelativeDir</directory> * </arguments> * </listener> * </listeners> * * <logging> * <log type="coverage-html" target="/tmp/report" lowUpperBound="50" highLowerBound="90"/> * <log type="coverage-clover" target="/tmp/clover.xml"/> * <log type="coverage-crap4j" target="/tmp/crap.xml" threshold="30"/> * <log type="json" target="/tmp/logfile.json"/> * <log type="plain" target="/tmp/logfile.txt"/> * <log type="tap" target="/tmp/logfile.tap"/> * <log type="junit" target="/tmp/logfile.xml" logIncompleteSkipped="false"/> * <log type="testdox-html" target="/tmp/testdox.html"/> * <log type="testdox-text" target="/tmp/testdox.txt"/> * </logging> * * <php> * <includePath>.</includePath> * <ini name="foo" value="bar"/> * <const name="foo" value="bar"/> * <var name="foo" value="bar"/> * <env name="foo" value="bar"/> * <post name="foo" value="bar"/> * <get name="foo" value="bar"/> * <cookie name="foo" value="bar"/> * <server name="foo" value="bar"/> * <files name="foo" value="bar"/> * <request name="foo" value="bar"/> * </php> * * <selenium> * <browser name="Firefox on Linux" * browser="*firefox /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin" * host="" * port="4444" * timeout="30000"/> * </selenium> * </phpunit> * </code> * * @since Class available since Release 3.2.0 */ class PHPUnit_Util_Configuration { private static $instances = array(); protected $document; protected $xpath; protected $filename; /** * Loads a PHPUnit configuration file. * * @param string $filename */ protected function __construct($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; $this->document = PHPUnit_Util_XML::loadFile($filename, false, true, true); $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->document); } /** * @since Method available since Release 3.4.0 */ final private function __clone() { } /** * Returns a PHPUnit configuration object. * * @param string $filename * * @return PHPUnit_Util_Configuration * * @since Method available since Release 3.4.0 */ public static function getInstance($filename) { $realpath = realpath($filename); if ($realpath === false) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Exception( sprintf( 'Could not read "%s".', $filename ) ); } if (!isset(self::$instances[$realpath])) { self::$instances[$realpath] = new self($realpath); } return self::$instances[$realpath]; } /** * Returns the realpath to the configuration file. * * @return string * * @since Method available since Release 3.6.0 */ public function getFilename() { return $this->filename; } /** * Returns the configuration for SUT filtering. * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.1 */ public function getFilterConfiguration() { $addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist = true; $processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist = false; $tmp = $this->xpath->query('filter/whitelist'); if ($tmp->length == 1) { if ($tmp->item(0)->hasAttribute('addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist')) { $addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist = $this->getBoolean( (string) $tmp->item(0)->getAttribute( 'addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist' ), true ); } if ($tmp->item(0)->hasAttribute('processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist')) { $processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist = $this->getBoolean( (string) $tmp->item(0)->getAttribute( 'processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist' ), false ); } } return array( 'blacklist' => array( 'include' => array( 'directory' => $this->readFilterDirectories( 'filter/blacklist/directory' ), 'file' => $this->readFilterFiles( 'filter/blacklist/file' ) ), 'exclude' => array( 'directory' => $this->readFilterDirectories( 'filter/blacklist/exclude/directory' ), 'file' => $this->readFilterFiles( 'filter/blacklist/exclude/file' ) ) ), 'whitelist' => array( 'addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist' => $addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist, 'processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist' => $processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist, 'include' => array( 'directory' => $this->readFilterDirectories( 'filter/whitelist/directory' ), 'file' => $this->readFilterFiles( 'filter/whitelist/file' ) ), 'exclude' => array( 'directory' => $this->readFilterDirectories( 'filter/whitelist/exclude/directory' ), 'file' => $this->readFilterFiles( 'filter/whitelist/exclude/file' ) ) ) ); } /** * Returns the configuration for groups. * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.1 */ public function getGroupConfiguration() { $groups = array( 'include' => array(), 'exclude' => array() ); foreach ($this->xpath->query('groups/include/group') as $group) { $groups['include'][] = (string) $group->textContent; } foreach ($this->xpath->query('groups/exclude/group') as $group) { $groups['exclude'][] = (string) $group->textContent; } return $groups; } /** * Returns the configuration for listeners. * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.4.0 */ public function getListenerConfiguration() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->xpath->query('listeners/listener') as $listener) { $class = (string) $listener->getAttribute('class'); $file = ''; $arguments = array(); if ($listener->getAttribute('file')) { $file = $this->toAbsolutePath( (string) $listener->getAttribute('file'), true ); } foreach ($listener->childNodes as $node) { if ($node instanceof DOMElement && $node->tagName == 'arguments') { foreach ($node->childNodes as $argument) { if ($argument instanceof DOMElement) { if ($argument->tagName == 'file' || $argument->tagName == 'directory') { $arguments[] = $this->toAbsolutePath((string) $argument->textContent); } else { $arguments[] = PHPUnit_Util_XML::xmlToVariable($argument); } } } } } $result[] = array( 'class' => $class, 'file' => $file, 'arguments' => $arguments ); } return $result; } /** * Returns the logging configuration. * * @return array */ public function getLoggingConfiguration() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->xpath->query('logging/log') as $log) { $type = (string) $log->getAttribute('type'); $target = (string) $log->getAttribute('target'); if (!$target) { continue; } $target = $this->toAbsolutePath($target); if ($type == 'coverage-html') { if ($log->hasAttribute('lowUpperBound')) { $result['lowUpperBound'] = $this->getInteger( (string) $log->getAttribute('lowUpperBound'), 50 ); } if ($log->hasAttribute('highLowerBound')) { $result['highLowerBound'] = $this->getInteger( (string) $log->getAttribute('highLowerBound'), 90 ); } } elseif ($type == 'coverage-crap4j') { if ($log->hasAttribute('threshold')) { $result['crap4jThreshold'] = $this->getInteger( (string) $log->getAttribute('threshold'), 30 ); } } elseif ($type == 'junit') { if ($log->hasAttribute('logIncompleteSkipped')) { $result['logIncompleteSkipped'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $log->getAttribute('logIncompleteSkipped'), false ); } } elseif ($type == 'coverage-text') { if ($log->hasAttribute('showUncoveredFiles')) { $result['coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $log->getAttribute('showUncoveredFiles'), false ); } if ($log->hasAttribute('showOnlySummary')) { $result['coverageTextShowOnlySummary'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $log->getAttribute('showOnlySummary'), false ); } } $result[$type] = $target; } return $result; } /** * Returns the PHP configuration. * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.1 */ public function getPHPConfiguration() { $result = array( 'include_path' => array(), 'ini' => array(), 'const' => array(), 'var' => array(), 'env' => array(), 'post' => array(), 'get' => array(), 'cookie' => array(), 'server' => array(), 'files' => array(), 'request' => array() ); foreach ($this->xpath->query('php/includePath') as $includePath) { $path = (string) $includePath->textContent; if ($path) { $result['include_path'][] = $this->toAbsolutePath($path); } } foreach ($this->xpath->query('php/ini') as $ini) { $name = (string) $ini->getAttribute('name'); $value = (string) $ini->getAttribute('value'); $result['ini'][$name] = $value; } foreach ($this->xpath->query('php/const') as $const) { $name = (string) $const->getAttribute('name'); $value = (string) $const->getAttribute('value'); $result['const'][$name] = $this->getBoolean($value, $value); } foreach (array('var', 'env', 'post', 'get', 'cookie', 'server', 'files', 'request') as $array) { foreach ($this->xpath->query('php/' . $array) as $var) { $name = (string) $var->getAttribute('name'); $value = (string) $var->getAttribute('value'); $result[$array][$name] = $this->getBoolean($value, $value); } } return $result; } /** * Handles the PHP configuration. * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.20 */ public function handlePHPConfiguration() { $configuration = $this->getPHPConfiguration(); if (! empty($configuration['include_path'])) { ini_set( 'include_path', implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $configuration['include_path']) . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path') ); } foreach ($configuration['ini'] as $name => $value) { if (defined($value)) { $value = constant($value); } ini_set($name, $value); } foreach ($configuration['const'] as $name => $value) { if (!defined($name)) { define($name, $value); } } foreach (array('var', 'post', 'get', 'cookie', 'server', 'files', 'request') as $array) { // See switch ($array) { case 'var': $target = &$GLOBALS; break; case 'server': $target = &$_SERVER; break; default: $target = &$GLOBALS['_' . strtoupper($array)]; break; } foreach ($configuration[$array] as $name => $value) { $target[$name] = $value; } } foreach ($configuration['env'] as $name => $value) { if (false === getenv($name)) { putenv("{$name}={$value}"); } if (!isset($_ENV[$name])) { $_ENV[$name] = $value; } } } /** * Returns the PHPUnit configuration. * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.14 */ public function getPHPUnitConfiguration() { $result = array(); $root = $this->document->documentElement; if ($root->hasAttribute('cacheTokens')) { $result['cacheTokens'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('cacheTokens'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('columns')) { $columns = (string) $root->getAttribute('columns'); if ($columns == 'max') { $result['columns'] = 'max'; } else { $result['columns'] = $this->getInteger($columns, 80); } } if ($root->hasAttribute('colors')) { /* only allow boolean for compatibility with previous versions 'always' only allowed from command line */ if ($this->getBoolean($root->getAttribute('colors'), false)) { $result['colors'] = PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter::COLOR_AUTO; } else { $result['colors'] = PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter::COLOR_NEVER; } } /* * Issue #657 */ if ($root->hasAttribute('stderr')) { $result['stderr'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('stderr'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('backupGlobals')) { $result['backupGlobals'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('backupGlobals'), true ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('backupStaticAttributes')) { $result['backupStaticAttributes'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('backupStaticAttributes'), false ); } if ($root->getAttribute('bootstrap')) { $result['bootstrap'] = $this->toAbsolutePath( (string) $root->getAttribute('bootstrap') ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('convertErrorsToExceptions')) { $result['convertErrorsToExceptions'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('convertErrorsToExceptions'), true ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('convertNoticesToExceptions')) { $result['convertNoticesToExceptions'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('convertNoticesToExceptions'), true ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('convertWarningsToExceptions')) { $result['convertWarningsToExceptions'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('convertWarningsToExceptions'), true ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('forceCoversAnnotation')) { $result['forceCoversAnnotation'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('forceCoversAnnotation'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('mapTestClassNameToCoveredClassName')) { $result['mapTestClassNameToCoveredClassName'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('mapTestClassNameToCoveredClassName'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('processIsolation')) { $result['processIsolation'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('processIsolation'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('stopOnError')) { $result['stopOnError'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('stopOnError'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('stopOnFailure')) { $result['stopOnFailure'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('stopOnFailure'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('stopOnIncomplete')) { $result['stopOnIncomplete'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('stopOnIncomplete'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('stopOnRisky')) { $result['stopOnRisky'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('stopOnRisky'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('stopOnSkipped')) { $result['stopOnSkipped'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('stopOnSkipped'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('testSuiteLoaderClass')) { $result['testSuiteLoaderClass'] = (string) $root->getAttribute( 'testSuiteLoaderClass' ); } if ($root->getAttribute('testSuiteLoaderFile')) { $result['testSuiteLoaderFile'] = $this->toAbsolutePath( (string) $root->getAttribute('testSuiteLoaderFile') ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('printerClass')) { $result['printerClass'] = (string) $root->getAttribute( 'printerClass' ); } if ($root->getAttribute('printerFile')) { $result['printerFile'] = $this->toAbsolutePath( (string) $root->getAttribute('printerFile') ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('timeoutForSmallTests')) { $result['timeoutForSmallTests'] = $this->getInteger( (string) $root->getAttribute('timeoutForSmallTests'), 1 ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('timeoutForMediumTests')) { $result['timeoutForMediumTests'] = $this->getInteger( (string) $root->getAttribute('timeoutForMediumTests'), 10 ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('timeoutForLargeTests')) { $result['timeoutForLargeTests'] = $this->getInteger( (string) $root->getAttribute('timeoutForLargeTests'), 60 ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything')) { $result['reportUselessTests'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('checkForUnintentionallyCoveredCode')) { $result['strictCoverage'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('checkForUnintentionallyCoveredCode'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests')) { $result['disallowTestOutput'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState')) { $result['disallowChangesToGlobalState'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('beStrictAboutTestSize')) { $result['enforceTimeLimit'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('beStrictAboutTestSize'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('beStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests')) { $result['disallowTodoAnnotatedTests'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('beStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests'), false ); } if ($root->hasAttribute('strict')) { $flag = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('strict'), false ); $result['reportUselessTests'] = $flag; $result['strictCoverage'] = $flag; $result['disallowTestOutput'] = $flag; $result['enforceTimeLimit'] = $flag; $result['disallowTodoAnnotatedTests'] = $flag; $result['deprecatedStrictModeSetting'] = true; } if ($root->hasAttribute('verbose')) { $result['verbose'] = $this->getBoolean( (string) $root->getAttribute('verbose'), false ); } return $result; } /** * Returns the SeleniumTestCase browser configuration. * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.9 */ public function getSeleniumBrowserConfiguration() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->xpath->query('selenium/browser') as $config) { $name = (string) $config->getAttribute('name'); $browser = (string) $config->getAttribute('browser'); if ($config->hasAttribute('host')) { $host = (string) $config->getAttribute('host'); } else { $host = 'localhost'; } if ($config->hasAttribute('port')) { $port = $this->getInteger( (string) $config->getAttribute('port'), 4444 ); } else { $port = 4444; } if ($config->hasAttribute('timeout')) { $timeout = $this->getInteger( (string) $config->getAttribute('timeout'), 30000 ); } else { $timeout = 30000; } $result[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'browser' => $browser, 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'timeout' => $timeout ); } return $result; } /** * Returns the test suite configuration. * * @return PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.1 */ public function getTestSuiteConfiguration($testSuiteFilter = null) { $testSuiteNodes = $this->xpath->query('testsuites/testsuite'); if ($testSuiteNodes->length == 0) { $testSuiteNodes = $this->xpath->query('testsuite'); } if ($testSuiteNodes->length == 1) { return $this->getTestSuite($testSuiteNodes->item(0), $testSuiteFilter); } if ($testSuiteNodes->length > 1) { $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite; foreach ($testSuiteNodes as $testSuiteNode) { $suite->addTestSuite( $this->getTestSuite($testSuiteNode, $testSuiteFilter) ); } return $suite; } } /** * @param DOMElement $testSuiteNode * * @return PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite * * @since Method available since Release 3.4.0 */ protected function getTestSuite(DOMElement $testSuiteNode, $testSuiteFilter = null) { if ($testSuiteNode->hasAttribute('name')) { $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( (string) $testSuiteNode->getAttribute('name') ); } else { $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite; } $exclude = array(); foreach ($testSuiteNode->getElementsByTagName('exclude') as $excludeNode) { $excludeFile = (string) $excludeNode->textContent; if ($excludeFile) { $exclude[] = $this->toAbsolutePath($excludeFile); } } $fileIteratorFacade = new File_Iterator_Facade; foreach ($testSuiteNode->getElementsByTagName('directory') as $directoryNode) { if ($testSuiteFilter && $directoryNode->parentNode->getAttribute('name') != $testSuiteFilter) { continue; } $directory = (string) $directoryNode->textContent; if (empty($directory)) { continue; } if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('phpVersion')) { $phpVersion = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('phpVersion'); } else { $phpVersion = PHP_VERSION; } if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('phpVersionOperator')) { $phpVersionOperator = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('phpVersionOperator'); } else { $phpVersionOperator = '>='; } if (!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $phpVersion, $phpVersionOperator)) { continue; } if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('prefix')) { $prefix = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('prefix'); } else { $prefix = ''; } if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('suffix')) { $suffix = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('suffix'); } else { $suffix = 'Test.php'; } $files = $fileIteratorFacade->getFilesAsArray( $this->toAbsolutePath($directory), $suffix, $prefix, $exclude ); $suite->addTestFiles($files); } foreach ($testSuiteNode->getElementsByTagName('file') as $fileNode) { if ($testSuiteFilter && $fileNode->parentNode->getAttribute('name') != $testSuiteFilter) { continue; } $file = (string) $fileNode->textContent; if (empty($file)) { continue; } // Get the absolute path to the file $file = $fileIteratorFacade->getFilesAsArray( $this->toAbsolutePath($file) ); if (!isset($file[0])) { continue; } $file = $file[0]; if ($fileNode->hasAttribute('phpVersion')) { $phpVersion = (string) $fileNode->getAttribute('phpVersion'); } else { $phpVersion = PHP_VERSION; } if ($fileNode->hasAttribute('phpVersionOperator')) { $phpVersionOperator = (string) $fileNode->getAttribute('phpVersionOperator'); } else { $phpVersionOperator = '>='; } if (!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $phpVersion, $phpVersionOperator)) { continue; } $suite->addTestFile($file); } return $suite; } /** * @param string $value * @param bool $default * * @return bool * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.3 */ protected function getBoolean($value, $default) { if (strtolower($value) == 'false') { return false; } elseif (strtolower($value) == 'true') { return true; } return $default; } /** * @param string $value * @param bool $default * * @return bool * * @since Method available since Release 3.6.0 */ protected function getInteger($value, $default) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return (int) $value; } return $default; } /** * @param string $query * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.3 */ protected function readFilterDirectories($query) { $directories = array(); foreach ($this->xpath->query($query) as $directory) { $directoryPath = (string) $directory->textContent; if (!$directoryPath) { continue; } if ($directory->hasAttribute('prefix')) { $prefix = (string) $directory->getAttribute('prefix'); } else { $prefix = ''; } if ($directory->hasAttribute('suffix')) { $suffix = (string) $directory->getAttribute('suffix'); } else { $suffix = '.php'; } if ($directory->hasAttribute('group')) { $group = (string) $directory->getAttribute('group'); } else { $group = 'DEFAULT'; } $directories[] = array( 'path' => $this->toAbsolutePath($directoryPath), 'prefix' => $prefix, 'suffix' => $suffix, 'group' => $group ); } return $directories; } /** * @param string $query * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 3.2.3 */ protected function readFilterFiles($query) { $files = array(); foreach ($this->xpath->query($query) as $file) { $filePath = (string) $file->textContent; if ($filePath) { $files[] = $this->toAbsolutePath($filePath); } } return $files; } /** * @param string $path * @param bool $useIncludePath * * @return string * * @since Method available since Release 3.5.0 */ protected function toAbsolutePath($path, $useIncludePath = false) { $path = trim($path); if ($path[0] === '/') { return $path; } // Matches the following on Windows: // - \\NetworkComputer\Path // - \\.\D: // - \\.\c: // - C:\Windows // - C:\windows // - C:/windows // - c:/windows if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') && ($path[0] === '\\' || (strlen($path) >= 3 && preg_match('#^[A-Z]\:[/\\\]#i', substr($path, 0, 3))))) { return $path; } // Stream if (strpos($path, '://') !== false) { return $path; } $file = dirname($this->filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; if ($useIncludePath && !file_exists($file)) { $includePathFile = stream_resolve_include_path($path); if ($includePathFile) { $file = $includePathFile; } } return $file; } }