Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : palandch ( 1163) PHP Version : 7.1.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /home/palandch/www/manager/assets/modext/workspace/ |
/** * Loads a grid of Packages. * * @class MODx.grid.Package * @extends MODx.grid.Grid * @param {Object} config An object of options. * @xtype modx-package-grid */ MODx.grid.Package = function(config) { config = config || {}; this.exp = new Ext.grid.RowExpander({ tpl : new Ext.XTemplate( '<p class="package-readme"><i>{readme}</i></p>' ) }); /* Package name + action button renderer */ this.mainColumnTpl = new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">' +'<h3 class="main-column{state:defaultValue("")}">{name}</h3>' +'<tpl if="actions !== null">' +'<ul class="actions">' +'<tpl for="actions">' +'<li><button type="button" class="controlBtn {className}">{text}</button></li>' +'</tpl>' +'</ul>' +'</tpl>' +'</tpl>', { compiled: true }); var cols = []; cols.push(this.exp); cols.push({ header: _('name') ,dataIndex: 'name', id:'main',renderer: { fn: this.mainColumnRenderer, scope: this } }); cols.push({ header: _('version') ,dataIndex: 'version', id: 'meta-col', fixed:true, width:90 }); cols.push({ header: _('release') ,dataIndex: 'release', id: 'meta-col', fixed:true, width:90 }); cols.push({ header: _('installed') ,dataIndex: 'installed', id: 'info-col', fixed:true, width: 160 ,renderer: this.dateColumnRenderer }); cols.push({ header: _('provider') ,dataIndex: 'provider_name', id: 'text-col', fixed:true, width:120 }); var dlbtn; if (MODx.curlEnabled) { dlbtn = { text: _('download_extras') ,xtype: 'splitbutton' ,handler: this.onDownloadMoreExtra ,menu: { items:[{ text: _('provider_select') ,handler: this.changeProvider ,scope: this },{ text: _('package_search_local_title') ,handler: this.searchLocal ,scope: this },{ text: _('transport_package_upload') ,handler: this.uploadTransportPackage ,scope: this }] } }; } else { dlbtn = { text: _('package_search_local_title') ,xtype: 'splitbutton' ,handler: this.searchLocal ,scope: this ,menu: { items: [{ text: _('transport_package_upload') ,handler: this.uploadTransportPackage ,scope: this }] } }; } Ext.applyIf(config,{ title: _('packages') ,id: 'modx-package-grid' ,url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'workspace/packages.php' ,fields: ['signature','name','version','release','created','updated','installed','state','workspace' ,'provider','provider_name','disabled','source','attributes','readme','menu' ,'install','textaction','iconaction','updateable'] ,plugins: [this.exp] ,pageSize: 10 ,columns: cols ,primaryKey: 'signature' ,paging: true ,autosave: true ,tbar: [dlbtn,'->',{ xtype: 'textfield' ,name: 'search' ,id: 'modx-package-search' ,emptyText: _('search_ellipsis') ,listeners: { 'change': {fn:, scope: this} ,'render': {fn: function(pnl) { new Ext.KeyMap(pnl.getEl(), { key: Ext.EventObject.ENTER ,fn: this.blur ,scope: pnl }); },scope:this} } },{ xtype: 'button' ,id: 'modx-package-filter-clear' ,text: _('filter_clear') ,listeners: { 'click': {fn: this.clearFilter, scope: this} } }] });,config); this.on('render',function() { this.getView().mainBody.update('<div class="x-grid-empty">' + _('loading') + '</div>'); },this); this.on('click', this.onClick, this); }; Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Package,MODx.grid.Grid,{ console: null ,activate: function(){ if (MODx.defaultState['modx-leftbar-tabs'] && (MODx.defaultState['modx-leftbar-tabs'].collapsed != true)) { Ext.getCmp('modx-layout').showLeftbar(); } Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-packages').getLayout().setActiveItem(; this.updateBreadcrumbs(_('packages_desc')); } ,updateBreadcrumbs: function(msg, highlight){ msg = Ext.getCmp('packages-breadcrumbs').desc; if(highlight){ msg.text = msg; msg.className = 'highlight'; } Ext.getCmp('packages-breadcrumbs').reset(msg); } ,search: function(tf,newValue,oldValue) { var nv = newValue || tf; this.getStore() = Ext.isEmpty(nv) || Ext.isObject(nv) ? '' : nv; this.getBottomToolbar().changePage(1); this.refresh(); return true; } ,clearFilter: function() { this.getStore().baseParams = { action: 'getList' }; Ext.getCmp('modx-package-search').reset(); this.getBottomToolbar().changePage(1); this.refresh(); } /* Main column renderer */ ,mainColumnRenderer:function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store){ var rec =; var state = (rec.installed !== null) ? ' installed' : ' not-installed'; var values = { name: value, state: state, actions: null }; var h = []; if(rec.installed !== null) { h.push({ className:'uninstall', text: rec.textaction }); h.push({ className:'reinstall', text: _('package_reinstall_action_button') }); } else { h.push({ className:'install green', text: rec.textaction }); } if (rec.updateable) { h.push({ className:'update orange', text: _('package_update_action_button') }); } else { if( rec.provider != 0 ){ h.push({ className:'checkupdate', text: _('package_check_for_updates') }); } } h.push({ className:'remove', text: _('package_remove_action_button') }); h.push({ className:'details', text: _('view_details') }); values.actions = h; return this.mainColumnTpl.apply(values); } ,dateColumnRenderer: function(d,c) { switch(d) { case '': case null: c.css = 'not-installed'; return _('not_installed'); default: c.css = ''; return _('installed_on',{'time':d}); } } ,onClick: function(e){ var t = e.getTarget(); var elm = t.className.split(' ')[0]; if(elm == 'controlBtn'){ var act = t.className.split(' ')[1]; var record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); =; switch (act) { case 'remove': this.remove(record, e); break; case 'install': case 'reinstall': this.install(record); break; case 'uninstall': this.uninstall(record, e); break; case 'update': case 'checkupdate': this.update(record, e); break; case 'details': this.viewPackage(record, e); break; default: break; } } } /* Install a package */ ,install: function( record ){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url : MODx.config.connectors_url+'workspace/packages.php' ,params : { action : 'getAttribute' ,attributes: 'license,readme,changelog,setup-options' ,signature: } ,method: 'GET' ,scope: this ,success: function ( result, request ) { this.processResult( result.responseText, record ); } ,failure: function ( result, request) { Ext.MessageBox.alert(_('failed'), result.responseText); } }); } /* Go through the install process */ ,processResult: function( response, record ){ var data = Ext.util.JSON.decode( response ); if ( data.object.license !== null && data.object.readme !== null && data.object.changelog !== null ){ /* Show license/changelog panel */ p = Ext.getCmp('modx-package-beforeinstall'); p.activate(); p.updatePanel( data.object, record ); } else if ( data.object['setup-options'] !== null ) { /* No license/changelog, show setup-options */ Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-packages').onSetupOptions(); } else { /* No license/changelog, no setup-options, install directly */ Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-packages').install(); } } /* Launch Package Browser */ ,onDownloadMoreExtra: function(btn,e){ MODx.provider = MODx.defaultProvider; Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-packages-browser').activate(); } ,changeProvider: function(btn, e){ this.loadWindow(btn,e,{ xtype: 'modx-package-changeprovider' }); } /** * Open a window allowing user to upload a transport package directly */ ,uploadTransportPackage: function(btn,e){ if (!this.uploader) { this.uploader = new Ext.ux.UploadDialog.Dialog({ url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'workspace/packages.php' ,base_params: { action: 'upload' ,wctx: MODx.ctx || '' ,source: MODx.config.default_media_source ,path: MODx.config.core_path+'packages/' } ,permitted_extensions: ['zip'] ,allow_close_on_upload: true ,upload_autostart: false ,reset_on_hide: true ,width: 550 ,cls: 'ext-ux-uploaddialog-dialog modx-upload-window' }); this.uploader.on('hide',function(){ this.searchLocalWithoutPrompt(); },this); this.uploader.on('close',function(){ this.searchLocalWithoutPrompt(); },this); } this.uploader.base_params.source = 1;; } ,searchLocal: function() { MODx.msg.confirm({ title: _('package_search_local_title') ,text: _('package_search_local_confirm') ,url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'workspace/packages.php' ,params: { action: 'scanLocal' } ,listeners: { 'success':{fn:function(r) { this.getStore().reload(); },scope:this} } }); } /** * Scan for new packages, without the pointless & annoying confirmation box */ ,searchLocalWithoutPrompt: function(){ MODx.Ajax.request({ url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'workspace/packages.php' ,params: { action: 'scanLocal' } ,listeners: { 'success':{fn:function(r) { this.getStore().reload(); },scope:this} } }) } /* Go to package details @TODO : Stay on the same page */ ,viewPackage: function(btn,e) { MODx.loadPage(MODx.action['workspaces/package/view'], 'signature='; } /* Search for a package update - only for installed package */ ,update: function(btn,e) { MODx.Ajax.request({ url: this.config.url ,params: { action: 'update-remote' ,signature: } ,listeners: { 'success': {fn:function(r) { this.loadWindow(btn,e,{ xtype: 'modx-window-package-update' ,packages: r.object ,record: ,force: true ,listeners: { 'success': {fn: function(o) { this.refresh(); = {data:o.a.result.object}; this.install(; },scope:this} } }); },scope:this} ,'failure': {fn: function(r) { MODx.msg.alert(_('package_update'),r.message); return false; },scope:this} } }); } /* Uninstall a package */ ,uninstall: function(btn,e) { this.loadWindow(btn,e,{ xtype: 'modx-window-package-uninstall' ,listeners: { 'success': {fn: function(va) { this._uninstall(,va,btn); },scope:this} } }); } ,_uninstall: function(r,va,btn) { r =; va = va || {}; var topic = '/workspace/package/uninstall/'+r.signature+'/'; this.loadConsole(btn,topic); Ext.apply(va,{ action: 'uninstall' ,signature: r.signature ,register: 'mgr' ,topic: topic }); MODx.Ajax.request({ url: this.config.url ,params: va ,listeners: { 'success': {fn:function(r) { Ext.Msg.hide(); this.refresh(); Ext.getCmp('modx-layout').refreshTrees(); },scope:this} ,'failure': {fn:function(r) { Ext.Msg.hide(); this.refresh(); },scope:this} } }); } /* Remove a package entirely */ ,remove: function(btn,e) { if (this.destroying) { return MODx.grid.Package.superclass.remove.apply(this, arguments); } var r =; var topic = '/workspace/package/remove/'+r.signature+'/'; this.loadWindow(btn,e,{ xtype: 'modx-window-package-remove' ,record: { signature: r.signature ,topic: topic ,register: 'mgr' } }); } /* Load the console */ ,loadConsole: function(btn,topic) { if (this.console === null) { this.console = MODx.load({ xtype: 'modx-console' ,register: 'mgr' ,topic: topic }); } else { this.console.setRegister('mgr',topic); }; } ,getConsole: function() { return this.console; } }); Ext.reg('modx-package-grid',MODx.grid.Package); MODx.window.PackageUpdate = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ title: _('package_update') ,url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'workspace/packages-rest.php' ,action: 'download' ,height: 400 ,width: 400 ,id: 'modx-window-package-update' ,saveBtnText: _('update') ,fields: this.setupOptions(config.packages,config.record) });,config); this.on('hide',function() { this.destroy(); },this); }; Ext.extend(MODx.window.PackageUpdate,MODx.Window,{ setupOptions: function(ps,rec) { var items = [{ html: _('package_update_to_version') ,border: false },MODx.PanelSpacer,{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'provider' ,value: Ext.isDefined(rec.provider) ? rec.provider : MODx.provider }]; for (var i=0;i<ps.length;i=i+1) { var pkg = ps[i]; items.push({ xtype: 'radio' ,name: 'info' ,boxLabel: pkg.signature ,description: pkg.description ,inputValue: ,labelSeparator: '' ,checked: i == 0 }); } return items; } }); Ext.reg('modx-window-package-update',MODx.window.PackageUpdate);