Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : palandch ( 1163) PHP Version : 7.1.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /home/palandch/www/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/ |
MODx.panel.Messages = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ id: 'modx-panel-message' ,url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'security/message.php' ,layout: 'anchor' ,bodyStyle: 'background: none;' ,cls: 'container form-with-labels' ,border: false ,items: [{ html: '<h2>'+_('messages')+'</h2>' ,id: 'modx-messages-header' ,cls: 'modx-page-header' ,border: false ,autoHeight: true ,anchor: '100%' },MODx.getPageStructure([{ title: _('messages') ,cls: 'main-wrapper' ,id: 'modx-messages-tab' ,autoHeight: true ,border: false ,items: [{ html: '' ,id: 'modx-messages-msg' ,border: false },{ xtype: 'modx-grid-message' ,user: config.user ,preventRender: true }] }],{ border: true })] });,config); }; Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Messages,MODx.Panel); Ext.reg('modx-panel-messages',MODx.panel.Messages); /** * Loads a grid of Messages. * * @class MODx.grid.Message * @extends MODx.grid.Grid * @param {Object} config An object of options. * @xtype modx-grid-message */ MODx.grid.Message = function(config) { config = config || {}; this.exp = new Ext.grid.RowExpander({ tpl : new Ext.Template( '<span style="float: right;">' ,'<i>'+_('sent_by')+': {sender_name:this.htmlEncode} <br />'+_('sent_on')+': {date_sent}</i><br /><br />' ,'</span>' ,'<h3>{subject:this.htmlEncode}</h3>' ,'<p>{message:this.htmlEncode}</p>' , { htmlEncode: function(value){ return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value); } } ) }); this.exp.on('expand',,this); Ext.applyIf(config,{ title: _('messages') ,id: 'modx-grid-message' ,url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'security/message.php' ,fields: ['id','type','subject','message','sender','recipient','private' ,'date_sent' ,'read','sender_name'] ,autosave: true ,paging: true ,plugins: this.exp ,columns: [this.exp,{ header: _('id') ,dataIndex: 'id' ,width: 60 },{ header: _('sender') ,dataIndex: 'sender_name' ,width: 120 ,renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode },{ header: _('subject') ,dataIndex: 'subject' ,width: 200 ,renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode },{ header: _('date_sent') ,dataIndex: 'date_sent' ,width: 150 },{ header: _('read') ,dataIndex: 'read' ,width: 100 ,editor: { xtype: 'combo-boolean' ,renderer: 'boolean' } ,editable: false }] ,tbar: [{ text: _('message_new') ,scope: this ,handler: { xtype: 'modx-window-message-create' ,blankValues: true } },'->',{ xtype: 'textfield' ,name: 'search' ,id: 'modx-messages-search' ,emptyText: _('search_ellipsis') ,listeners: { 'change': {fn:, scope: this} ,'render': {fn: function(cmp) { new Ext.KeyMap(cmp.getEl(), { key: Ext.EventObject.ENTER ,fn: this.blur ,scope: cmp }); },scope:this} } },{ xtype: 'button' ,id: 'modx-filter-clear' ,text: _('filter_clear') ,listeners: { 'click': {fn: this.clearFilter, scope: this} } }] });,config); }; Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Message,MODx.grid.Grid,{ read: function(exp,rec,body,ri) { var r =; if ( return false; MODx.Ajax.request({ url: this.config.url ,params: { action: 'read' ,id: } ,listeners: { 'success': {fn:function(r) { var r2 = this.getStore().getAt(ri); r2.set('read',true); r2.commit(); this.exp.expandRow(ri); },scope:this} } }); } ,markUnread: function(btn,e) { var rec = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); MODx.Ajax.request({ url: this.config.url ,params: { action: 'unread' ,id: } ,listeners: { 'success': {fn:function(r) { rec.set('read',false); rec.commit(); },scope:this} } }); } ,getMenu: function() { var m = []; var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); if ( { m.push({ text: _('mark_unread') ,handler: this.markUnread }); m.push('-'); } m.push({ text: _('delete') ,handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this,["message_remove_confirm"]) }); return m; } ,search: function(tf,newValue,oldValue) { var nv = newValue || tf; this.getStore() = Ext.isEmpty(nv) || Ext.isObject(nv) ? '' : nv; this.getBottomToolbar().changePage(1); this.refresh(); return true; } ,clearFilter: function() { this.getStore().baseParams = { action: 'getList' }; Ext.getCmp('modx-messages-search').reset(); this.getBottomToolbar().changePage(1); this.refresh(); } }); Ext.reg('modx-grid-message',MODx.grid.Message); /** * Generates the new message window. * * @class MODx.window.CreateMessage * @extends MODx.Window * @param {Object} config An object of options. * @xtype modx-window-message-create */ MODx.window.CreateMessage = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ title: _('message_create') ,url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'security/message.php' ,action: 'create' ,fields: [{ xtype: 'combo' ,fieldLabel: _('recipient_type') ,name: 'type' ,hiddenName: 'type' ,store: new{ fields: ['type','disp'] ,data: [['user',_('user')] ,['usergroup',_('usergroup')] ,['role',_('role')] ,['all',_('all')]] }) ,mode: 'local' ,triggerAction: 'all' ,displayField: 'disp' ,valueField: 'type' ,editable: false ,value: 'user' ,listeners: { 'select': {fn:this.showRecipient,scope:this} } ,anchor: '90%' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-user' ,id: 'mc-recipient-user' ,fieldLabel: _('user') ,allowBlank: true ,anchor: '90%' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup' ,id: 'mc-recipient-usergroup' ,fieldLabel: _('usergroup') ,allowBlank: true ,anchor: '90%' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-role' ,id: 'mc-recipient-role' ,fieldLabel: _('role') ,allowBlank: true ,anchor: '90%' },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,id: 'mc-recipient-all' ,name: 'all' ,fieldLabel: _('all') ,value: 'all' },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('subject') ,name: 'subject' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '90%' },{ xtype: 'textarea' ,fieldLabel: _('message') ,name: 'message' ,anchor: '90%' ,grow: true }] ,listeners: { 'show': {fn: this.initRecipient, scope: this} } ,keys: [] });,config); this.on('show',function() { this.fp.getForm().findField('type').fireEvent('select'); },this); }; Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateMessage,MODx.Window,{ tps: ['user','usergroup','role','all'] ,initRecipient: function() { for (var i=1;i<this.tps.length;i++) { var f = this.fp.getForm().findField('mc-recipient-'+this.tps[i]); if (f) { this.hideField(f); } } } ,showRecipient: function(cb,rec,i) { for (var x=0;x<this.tps.length;x++) { var f = this.fp.getForm().findField('mc-recipient-'+this.tps[x]); if (f) { this.hideField(f); } } var type = rec ? : 'user'; var fd = this.fp.getForm().findField('mc-recipient-'+type); if (fd) { this.showField(fd); } } }); Ext.reg('modx-window-message-create',MODx.window.CreateMessage);