Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : palandch ( 1163) PHP Version : 7.1.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /home/palandch/www/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/ |
/** * Loads the Template panel * * @class MODx.panel.Template * @extends MODx.FormPanel * @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties * @xtype modx-panel-template */ MODx.panel.Template = function(config) { config = config || {record:{}}; config.record = config.record || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'element/template.php' ,baseParams: {} ,id: 'modx-panel-template' ,cls: 'container form-with-labels' ,class_key: 'modTemplate' ,template: '' ,bodyStyle: '' ,items: [{ html: '<h2>'+_('template_new')+'</h2>' ,id: 'modx-template-header' ,cls: 'modx-page-header' ,border: false },MODx.getPageStructure([{ title: _('template_title') ,defaults: { border: false ,msgTarget: 'side' } ,layout: 'form' ,id: 'modx-template-form' ,labelWidth: 150 ,items: [{ html: '<p>'+_('template_msg')+'</p>' ,id: 'modx-template-msg' ,bodyCssClass: 'panel-desc' },{ layout: 'column' ,border: false ,defaults: { layout: 'form' ,labelAlign: 'top' ,anchor: '100%' ,border: false ,cls:'main-wrapper' ,labelSeparator: '' } ,items: [{ columnWidth: .6 ,items: [{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'id' ,id: 'modx-template-id' ,value: config.template },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'props' ,id: 'modx-template-props' ,value: config.record.props || null },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('name')+'<span class="required">*</span>' ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('template_desc_name') ,name: 'templatename' ,id: 'modx-template-templatename' ,anchor: '100%' ,maxLength: 100 ,enableKeyEvents: true ,allowBlank: false ,value: config.record.templatename ,listeners: { 'keyup': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) { Ext.getCmp('modx-template-header').getEl().update('<h2>'+_('template')+': '+f.getValue()+'</h2>'); }} } },{ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden' ,forId: 'modx-template-templatename' ,html: _('template_desc_name') ,cls: 'desc-under' },{ xtype: 'textarea' ,fieldLabel: _('template_desc') ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('template_desc_description') ,name: 'description' ,id: 'modx-template-description' ,anchor: '100%' ,maxLength: 255 ,value: config.record.description || '' },{ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden' ,forId: 'modx-template-description' ,html: _('template_desc_description') ,cls: 'desc-under' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-browser' ,browserEl: 'modx-browser' ,fieldLabel: _('static_file') ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('static_file_msg') ,name: 'static_file' ,hideFiles: true ,openTo: config.record.openTo || '' ,id: 'modx-template-static-file' ,anchor: '100%' ,maxLength: 255 ,value: config.record.static_file || '' ,hidden: !config.record['static'] ,hideMode: 'offsets' },{ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden' ,forId: 'modx-template-static-file' ,id: 'modx-template-static-file-help' ,html: _('static_file_msg') ,cls: 'desc-under' ,hidden: !config.record['static'] ,hideMode: 'offsets' },{ html: MODx.onTempFormRender ,border: false }] },{ columnWidth: .4 ,items: [{ xtype: 'modx-combo-category' ,fieldLabel: _('category') ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('template_desc_category') ,name: 'category' ,id: 'modx-template-category' ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.category || 0 },{ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden' ,forId: 'modx-template-category' ,html: _('template_desc_category') ,cls: 'desc-under' },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('template_lock') ,description: _('template_lock_msg') ,name: 'locked' ,id: 'modx-template-locked' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: config.record.locked || false },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('clear_cache_on_save') ,description: _('clear_cache_on_save_msg') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'clearCache' ,id: 'modx-template-clear-cache' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: Ext.isDefined(config.record.clearCache) || true },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,hideLabel: true ,boxLabel: _('is_static') ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('is_static_msg') ,name: 'static' ,id: 'modx-template-static' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: config.record['static'] || false },{ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden' ,forId: 'modx-template-static' ,id: 'modx-template-static-help' ,html: _('is_static_msg') ,cls: 'desc-under' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-source' ,fieldLabel: _('static_source') ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('static_source_msg') ,name: 'source' ,id: 'modx-template-static-source' ,anchor: '100%' ,maxLength: 255 ,value: config.record.source != null ? config.record.source : MODx.config.default_media_source ,hidden: !config.record['static'] ,hideMode: 'offsets' ,baseParams: { action: 'getList' ,showNone: true ,streamsOnly: true } },{ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden' ,forId: 'modx-template-static-source' ,id: 'modx-template-static-source-help' ,html: _('static_source_msg') ,cls: 'desc-under' ,hidden: !config.record['static'] ,hideMode: 'offsets' }] }] },{ xtype: 'panel' ,border: false ,layout: 'form' ,cls:'main-wrapper' ,labelAlign: 'top' ,items: [{ xtype: 'textarea' ,fieldLabel: _('template_code') ,name: 'content' ,id: 'modx-template-content' ,anchor: '100%' ,height: 400 ,value: config.record.content || '' }] }] },{ xtype: 'modx-panel-element-properties' ,preventRender: true ,collapsible: true ,elementPanel: 'modx-panel-template' ,elementId: config.template ,elementType: 'modTemplate' ,record: config.record },{ title: _('template_variables') ,itemId: 'form-template' ,defaults: { autoHeight: true } ,layout: 'form' ,items: [{ html: '<p>'+_('template_tv_msg')+'</p>' ,bodyCssClass: 'panel-desc' ,border: false },{ xtype: 'modx-grid-template-tv' ,cls:'main-wrapper' ,preventRender: true ,anchor: '100%' ,template: config.template ,listeners: { 'rowclick': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this} ,'afterEdit': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this} ,'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this} } }] }],{ id: 'modx-template-tabs' })] ,useLoadingMask: true ,listeners: { 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this} ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this} ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this} } });,config); var isStatic = Ext.getCmp('modx-template-static'); if (isStatic) { isStatic.on('check',this.toggleStaticFile); } }; Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Template,MODx.FormPanel,{ initialized: false ,setup: function() { if (this.initialized) { this.clearDirty(); return true; } this.getForm().setValues(this.config.record); if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.templatename)) { Ext.getCmp('modx-template-header').getEl().update('<h2>'+_('template')+': '+this.config.record.templatename+'</h2>'); } if (!Ext.isEmpty( { var d =; var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties'); if (g) { g.defaultProperties = d; g.getStore().loadData(d); } } this.fireEvent('ready',this.config.record); if (MODx.onLoadEditor) { MODx.onLoadEditor(this); } this.clearDirty(); this.initialized = true; MODx.fireEvent('ready'); return true; } ,beforeSubmit: function(o) { var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-template-tv'); Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,{ tvs: g.encodeModified() ,propdata: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').encode() }); this.cleanupEditor(); return this.fireEvent('save',{ values: this.getForm().getValues() ,stay: MODx.config.stay }); } ,success: function(r) { if ( Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').save(); Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-template-tv').getStore().commitChanges(); this.getForm().setValues(r.result.object); var t = Ext.getCmp('modx-element-tree'); if (t) { var c = Ext.getCmp('modx-template-category').getValue(); var u = c != '' && c != null && c != 0 ? 'n_template_category_'+c : 'n_type_template'; var node = t.getNodeById('n_template_element_' + Ext.getCmp('modx-template-id').getValue() + '_' + r.result.object.previous_category); if (node) node.destroy(); t.refreshNode(u,true); } } ,changeEditor: function() { this.cleanupEditor(); this.on('success',function(o) { var id =; var w = Ext.getCmp('modx-template-which-editor').getValue(); MODx.request.a = MODx.action['element/template/update']; var u = '?'+Ext.urlEncode(MODx.request)+'&which_editor='+w+'&id='+id; location.href = u; }); this.submit(); } ,cleanupEditor: function() { if (MODx.onSaveEditor) { var fld = Ext.getCmp('modx-template-content'); MODx.onSaveEditor(fld); } } ,toggleStaticFile: function(cb) { var flds = ['modx-template-static-file','modx-template-static-file-help','modx-template-static-source','modx-template-static-source-help']; var fld,i; if (cb.checked) { for (i in flds) { fld = Ext.getCmp(flds[i]); if (fld) {; } } } else { for (i in flds) { fld = Ext.getCmp(flds[i]); if (fld) { fld.hide(); } } } } }); Ext.reg('modx-panel-template',MODx.panel.Template);