Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : palandch ( 1163) PHP Version : 7.1.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /home/palandch/www/manager/assets/modext/core/ |
MODx.Component = function(config) { config = config || {};,config); this.config = config; this._loadForm(); if (this.config.tabs) { this._loadTabs(); } this._loadComponents(); this._loadActionButtons(); MODx.activePage = this; }; Ext.extend(MODx.Component,Ext.Component,{ fields: {} ,form: null ,action: false ,_loadForm: function() { if (!this.config.form) { return false; } this.form = new Ext.form.BasicForm(Ext.get(this.config.form),{ errorReader : MODx.util.JSONReader }); if (this.config.fields) { for (var i in this.config.fields) { if (this.config.fields.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var f = this.config.fields[i]; if (f.xtype) { f = Ext.ComponentMgr.create(f); } this.fields[i] = f; this.form.add(f); } } } return this.form.render(); } ,_loadActionButtons: function() { if (!this.config.buttons) { return false; } this.ab = MODx.load({ xtype: 'modx-actionbuttons' ,form: this.form || null ,formpanel: this.config.formpanel || null ,actions: this.config.actions || null ,items: this.config.buttons || [] ,loadStay: this.config.loadStay || false }); return this.ab; } ,_loadTabs: function() { if (!this.config.tabs) { return false; } var o = this.config.tabOptions || {}; Ext.applyIf(o,{ xtype: 'modx-tabs' ,renderTo: this.config.tabs_div || 'tabs_div' ,items: this.config.tabs }); return MODx.load(o); } ,_loadComponents: function() { if (!this.config.components) { return false; } var l = this.config.components.length; var cp = Ext.getCmp('modx-content'); for (var i=0;i<l;i=i+1) { var a = MODx.load(this.config.components[i]); if (cp) { cp.add(a); } } if (cp) { cp.doLayout(); } return true; } ,submitForm: function(listeners,options,otherParams) { listeners = listeners || {}; otherParams = otherParams || {}; if (!this.config.formpanel || !this.config.action) { return false; } f = Ext.getCmp(this.config.formpanel); if (!f) { return false; } for (var i in listeners) { if (typeof listeners[i] == 'function') { f.on(i,listeners[i],this); } else if (listeners[i] && typeof listeners[i] == 'object' && listeners[i].fn) { f.on(i,listeners[i].fn,listeners[i].scope || this); } } Ext.apply(f.baseParams,{ 'action':this.config.action }); Ext.apply(f.baseParams,otherParams); options = options || {}; options.headers = { 'Powered-By': 'MODx' ,'modAuth': MODx.siteId }; f.submit(options); return true; } }); Ext.reg('modx-component',MODx.Component); MODx.toolbar.ActionButtons = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ actions: { 'close': MODx.action.welcome } ,formpanel: false ,id: 'modx-action-buttons' ,loadStay: false ,params: {} ,items: [] ,renderTo: 'modAB' }); if (config.formpanel) { this.setupDirtyButtons(config.formpanel); } if (config.loadStay === true) { config.items.push('-',this.getStayMenu()); } this.checkDirtyBtns = [];,config); this.config = config; }; Ext.extend(MODx.toolbar.ActionButtons,Ext.Toolbar,{ id: '' ,buttons: [] ,options: { a_close: 'welcome' } ,stay: 'stay' ,add: function() { var a = arguments, l = a.length; for(var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var el = a[i]; var ex = ['-','->','<-','',' ']; if (ex.indexOf(el) != -1 || (el.xtype && el.xtype == 'switch')) {,el); continue; } var id = ||; Ext.applyIf(el,{ xtype: 'button' ,cls: (el.icon ? 'x-btn-icon bmenu' : 'x-btn-text bmenu') ,scope: this ,disabled: el.checkDirty ? true : false ,listeners: {} ,id: id }); if (el.button) {,el); } if (el.handler === null && === null) { el.handler = this.checkConfirm; } else if (el.confirm && el.handler) { el.handler = function() { Ext.Msg.confirm(_('warning'),el.confirm,function(e) { if (e === 'yes') { Ext.callback(el.handler,this); } },el.scope || this); }; } else if (el.handler) {} else { el.handler = this.handleClick; } /* if javascript is specified, run it when button is click, before this.checkConfirm is run */ if (el.javascript) { el.listeners['click'] = {fn:this.evalJS,scope:this}; } /* if checkDirty, disable until field change */ if (el.xtype == 'button') { el.listeners['render'] = {fn:function(btn) { if (el.checkDirty && btn) { this.checkDirtyBtns.push(btn); } },scope:this} } if (el.keys) { el.keyMap = new Ext.KeyMap(Ext.get(document)); for (var j = 0; j < el.keys.length; j++) { var key = el.keys[j]; Ext.applyIf(key,{ scope: this ,stopEvent: true ,fn: function(e) { var b = Ext.getCmp(id); if (b) this.checkConfirm(b,e); } }); el.keyMap.addBinding(key); } el.listeners['destroy'] = {fn:function(btn) { btn.keyMap.disable(); },scope:this} } /* add button to toolbar */,el); } } ,evalJS: function(itm,e) { if (!eval(itm.javascript)) { e.stopEvent(); e.preventDefault(); } } ,checkConfirm: function(itm,e) { if (itm.confirm !== null && itm.confirm !== undefined) { this.confirm(itm,function() { this.handleClick(itm,e); },this); } else { this.handleClick(itm,e); } return false; } ,confirm: function(itm,callback,scope) { /* if no message go ahead and redirect...we dont like blank questions */ if (itm.confirm === null) { return true; } Ext.Msg.confirm('',itm.confirm,function(e) { /* if the user is okay with the action */ if (e === 'yes') { if (callback === null) { return true; } if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { /* if callback is a function, run it, and pass Button */ Ext.callback(callback,scope || this,[itm]); } else { location.href = callback; } } return true; },this); return true; } ,reloadPage: function() { location.href = location.href; } ,handleClick: function(itm,e) { var o = this.config; if (o.formpanel === false || o.formpanel === undefined || o.formpanel === null) return false; if (itm.method === 'remote') { /* if using connectors */ MODx.util.Progress.reset(); o.form = Ext.getCmp(o.formpanel); if (!o.form) return false; var f = o.form.getForm ? o.form.getForm() : o.form; var isv = true; if (f.items && f.items.items) { for (var fld in f.items.items) { if (f.items.items[fld] && f.items.items[fld].validate) { var fisv = f.items.items[fld].validate(); if (!fisv) { f.items.items[fld].markInvalid(); isv = false; } } } } if (isv) { Ext.applyIf(o.params,{ action: itm.process ,'modx-ab-stay': MODx.config.stay }); Ext.apply(f.baseParams,o.params); o.form.on('success',function(r) { if (o.form.clearDirty) o.form.clearDirty(); /* allow for success messages */ MODx.msg.status({ title: _('success') ,message: r.result.message || _('save_successful') ,dontHide: r.result.message != '' ? true : false }); Ext.callback(this.redirectStay,this,[o,itm,r.result],1000); this.resetDirtyButtons(r.result); },this); o.form.submit({ headers: { 'Powered-By': 'MODx' ,'modAuth': MODx.siteId } }); } else { Ext.Msg.alert(_('error'),_('correct_errors')); } } else { /* if just doing a URL redirect */ Ext.applyIf(itm.params || {},o.baseParams || {}); MODx.loadPage('?'+Ext.urlEncode(itm.params)); } return false; } ,resetDirtyButtons: function(r) { for (var i=0;i<this.checkDirtyBtns.length;i=i+1) { var btn = this.checkDirtyBtns[i]; btn.setDisabled(true); } } ,checkStay: function(itm,e) { this.stay = itm.value; } ,redirectStay: function(o,itm,res) { o = this.config; itm.params = itm.params || {}; Ext.applyIf(itm.params,o.baseParams); var stay = Ext.state.Manager.get('modx.stay.'+MODx.request.a,'stay'); switch (stay) { case 'new': /* if user selected 'new', then always redirect */ if (o.form.hasListener('actionNew')) { o.form.fireEvent('actionNew',itm.params); } else if (o.actions) { if (MODx.request.parent) { itm.params.parent = MODx.request.parent; } if (MODx.request.context_key) { itm.params.context_key = MODx.request.context_key; } if (MODx.request.class_key) { itm.params.class_key = MODx.request.class_key; } var params = Ext.urlEncode(itm.params); MODx.loadPage(o.actions['new'], params); } break; case 'stay': var url; if (o.form.hasListener('actionContinue')) { o.form.fireEvent('actionContinue',itm.params); } else if (o.actions) { /* if Continue Editing, then don't reload the page - just hide the Progress bar unless the user is on a 'Create' page...if so, then redirect to the proper Edit page */ if ((itm.process === 'create' || itm.process === 'duplicate' || itm.reload) && { =; if (MODx.request.parent) { itm.params.parent = MODx.request.parent; } if (MODx.request.context_key) { itm.params.context_key = MODx.request.context_key; } url = Ext.urlEncode(itm.params); MODx.loadPage(o.actions.edit, url); } else if (itm.process === 'delete') { itm.params.a = o.actions.cancel; url = Ext.urlEncode(itm.params); MODx.loadPage('?'+url); } } break; case 'close': /* redirect to the cancel action */ if (o.form.hasListener('actionClose')) { o.form.fireEvent('actionClose',itm.params); } else if (o.actions) { MODx.loadPage(o.actions.cancel, Ext.encode(itm.params)); } break; } } ,getStayMenu: function() { var stay = Ext.state.Manager.get('modx.stay.'+MODx.request.a,'stay'); var a = 0; switch (stay) { case 'new': a = 0; break; case 'close': a = 2; break; case 'stay': default: a = 1; break; } return { xtype:'switch' ,id: 'modx-stay-menu' ,activeItem: a ,items: [{ tooltip: _('stay_new') ,value: 'new' ,menuIndex: 0 ,id: 'modx-stay-new' ,iconCls:'icon-list-new' },{ tooltip: _('stay') ,value: 'stay' ,menuIndex: 1 ,id: 'modx-stay-stay' ,iconCls:'icon-mark-active' },{ tooltip: _('close') ,value: 'close' ,menuIndex: 2 ,id: 'modx-stay-close' ,iconCls:'icon-mark-complete' }] ,listeners: { change: function(btn,itm){ Ext.state.Manager.set('modx.stay.'+MODx.request.a,itm.value); } ,scope: this ,delay: 10 } }; } ,refreshTreeNode: function(tree,node,self) { var t = parent.Ext.getCmp(tree); t.refreshNode(node,self || false); return false; } ,setupDirtyButtons: function(f) { var fp = Ext.getCmp(f); if (fp) { fp.on('fieldChange',function(o) { for (var i=0;i<this.checkDirtyBtns.length;i=i+1) { var btn = this.checkDirtyBtns[i]; btn.setDisabled(false); } },this); } } }); Ext.reg('modx-actionbuttons',MODx.toolbar.ActionButtons);